Need to get something off your chest? This one is for you. So, the power to forgive sin was given to the apostles. He said, “Receive the Holy Spirit.” We will sin, and if you hold it to yourself, it will crush you. And who is the best person for you to pour out this? To the person who has been given the power. The apostles handed down this power from the Pope to the bishops and the priests. Because the Lord knows we are weak. He is always looking out for our good. So when you go to the priest, you have a confidante who welcomes you as you are because he’s there as another Christ. He has the power to forgive. The power comes from God. Don’t be afraid to go to confession. It is a sacrament. It nurtures your spiritual life. It helps you to grow. It helps you to come nearer to God, and it’ll lead you to everlasting life.
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