So, very often in the Old Testament, this is what happens. A prophet speaks to a group of people, calling them to turn back to the Lord. And what does the group of people do? They say no! They reject God, and bad things happen. They dig a hole that they cannot get out of. But the fantastic thing about the first reading for this Sunday is that Jonah, a prophet, speaks to the people of Nineveh, calling them to repent and turn back to the Lord. And what do they do? They say, “Yes!” They repent, and they turn back to Him. And what happens? There is freedom. There is a deepening of the relationship. They are blessed. It doesn’t happen often in the Old Testament, but this reminds us of what happens when we say yes to God. I think a lot of the time, when we say no to God, what happens? We dig a hole that we cannot get out of. But when we say yes to God, that brings freedom, that deepens our relationship. Be an authentic son and daughter who trusts their Father.
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