If I were blindfolded and placed in front of a lineup of women, one of them being my mom, I absolutely would be able to choose my mom out of the lineup because I know her. I know how she speaks to me. I know what she smells like. I know everything about her. I know it all. In the gospel for this Sunday, Jesus speaks to those who are not prepared, amen. I do not know you. It’s terrifying; the last thing that we want is to get to the end of our lives and to have Jesus say that to us and for us not to know Him.
The question is, do you know Jesus enough that you could choose Him out of a lineup? Do you know how He speaks to you in prayer? Do you know everything about Him through scripture? Do you know Jesus? The best way to get to know Him is to stay close to Him in the Eucharist, whether at mass or in adoration. The more and more we spend time with Jesus in the Eucharist, the more and more we get to know His heart and the real Jesus.
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