This Sunday’s gospel is a battle cry that we are called to go into battle. Jesus says, “You are the salt of the earth.” In the ancient world, when a city was conquered, the soldiers would lay out salt everywhere, on the ground, in the streets, to destroy anything growing there. It sounds weird, but we are called as Christians to eliminate those things in the sinful world, to destroy the things that lead us away from Jesus, but it begins with our hearts. We are called to destroy the things in our hearts that lead us away from Jesus. Lust, gossip, use, the culture of death, destroy it.
Take all of these things that prevent you from being close to Jesus and be that salt in your hearts to destroy anything that is not from the Lord and embrace all those things from Jesus. This is your battle cry. Go out into battle and destroy anything that is not from Jesus. This is Spirit Juice, peace.
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