In “Thor: Ragnarok,” Bruce Banner and the Hulk, they are fighting against each other. They’re the same person, but they need to be integrated better. But then you see in the movie, “Endgame,” Bruce Banner and the Hulk are truly one. They are no longer fighting against each other. They are integrated well. Bruce Banner is the Hulk, and the Hulk is Bruce Banner. Today we celebrate the Transfiguration of the Lord, where Jesus Christ is 100% divine, 100% human.
His divinity doesn’t take away from His humanity. His humanity doesn’t take away from His divinity. Jesus Christ is perfectly integrated into His divinity and humanity. This is called the Hypostatic Union. Say that three times fast. On this day of the Transfiguration, Jesus Christ, the Lord of the universe, actually wants you to know Him. He wants to be known, and we can truly understand the Lord.
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