Okay, so if you’ve ever been to the jungle or the rainforest or are just Indiana Jones, you may have used a mosquito net before. The crazy thing about mosquito nets is that the holes of the mosquito net are bigger than the mosquito’s body. A mosquito could crawl through but can’t because it doesn’t know how to fold its wings and crawl through a hole bigger than its body.
In this Sunday’s Gospel, we hear about the mustard seed that we are called to start small, to live in humility, knowing that I am not perfect, we are not the most awesome, and we need Jesus. When we recognize our smallness and let Jesus into our smallness, the Lord can finally work. So, do you, in your daily life, need Jesus, or are you perfectly fine without him? We’re called to be small so that we can be significant. This is Spirit Juice. Peace.
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