Dump The Garbage

Do you know who the unsung heroes of our society are? Garbage men. They do everything that we do not want to do. Garbage men and women, we salute you. In the gospel for this Sunday, Jesus speaks about Gehenna. Gehenna also means hell. But Jesus uses the word Gehenna because Gehenna was the area of Jerusalem that was the garbage dump, and Jews were not allowed to go there. Jesus is speaking about Gehenna; if we do not repent, we go to that garbage dump. That is not good news. We are called to be able to dump our garbage upon the Lord in the sacrament of confession. This is excellent news.

So my invitation: If you haven’t been to confession in a month or more, it’s time to go. We have two options: dump the garbage or send it to the garbage dump. Let’s choose the first one. That sounds better. This is Spirit Juice. Peace.

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