Let’s talk about Emmett from the Lego movie. He thinks that everything is awesome. Yet, he is actually living a lie and he can’t truly be happy until he is honest with himself and honest about his situation. Right, come on, let’s be honest. And so in the same thing with the gospel today, here is the tax collector who is brutally honest with the Lord, whereas the Pharisee putting up a front, putting up a facade, not being truthful about his situation.
And so who can God truly love? The one that is brutally honest with the Lord or the one that puts up a front. And so my invitation this week is be brutally honest with God. If you’re having a crappy day, tell Jesus, “I’m having a crappy day.” If I’m having an awesome day, if everything is awesome, tell Jesus that everything is awesome. If I have incredible flatulence, be honest with Jesus about it. He wants to love you where you are right now. So please be brutally honest with Jesus. That can change your heart and change your life.
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