I had the amazing honor of baptizing my friend’s newborn. Baptism is so awesome because no matter if you were baptized with just water gently poured on your head, or if you were fully immersed, or even if a fire hose was shot at you. When you are baptized in the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit, you are adopted by God.
Jesus, in the gospel for this Sunday, says, “You have one father in heaven.” At the moment of baptism, the Father adopts you. You have a dad in heaven. One of my favorite moments at baptism is when I get to hold a baby, and we all pray to our Father because that’s the first moment this child can claim God as a dad. So, no matter your relationship with your biological Father, you have a perfect Father in heaven. He claims you, and he chooses you. Have confidence in your Father in heaven. And if you still need to be baptized, put that on your to-do list for this week.
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