We are all beloved sons and daughters of the Father and through our baptism we are all anointed and empowered. We don’t have to be all put together or be perfect in order to bring healing to ourselves and to other people. We are all incomplete and despite that God wants to work through us right now.
There might be times that we can revert our eyes from our Jesus, or get stuck within ourselves or maybe distracted by the world. At times like this we need to fight a continuous battle to keep looking at Jesus and feed our faith.
As we grow, we want to keep focusing on quality and bringing you new features that have a cost. So, in our Franciscan way, we’re asking: Would you consider becoming a monthly donor if you’ve been loving the Poco a Poco podcast? No gift is too small! 100% of donations will go to the Poco a Poco podcast and are tax-deductible. Spirit Juice Entertainment Group (SJEG) is the non-profit arm of Spirit Juice Studios. It is a 501(c)3 organization that relies on your support to continue creating original, authentically Catholic content that reaches thousands of people each week through our website and social media channels.
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To qualify, you must donate a minimum of $10 per month. All gifts in between will be rounded down to the nearest package amount. Please allow 6-8 weeks for your package to be shipped. Questions? Contact us at donate@spiritjuice.org. Your donation is tax-deductible within the United States, and we will provide a tax receipt for your records.
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