Series on “The Father” by Fr. Mark-Mary Ames, CFR (Part 8)
What’s your initial response to difficulty? Difficulty and suffering are part of our world, and to move forward with the Lord, we have to live in this reality, even though it’s hard. God is with us in it! One of the things a father also has to do is to teach their children and equip their children to do hard things. God the Father equips us and prepares us for what we need to have fulfillment and happiness in salvation, which includes learning how to carry and share in the suffering on the cross.
In this episode, we’ll talk about how to persevere in doing hard things for an extended period and stay steady with the Lord amidst the difficulty.
Here’s the link to the graph that we referenced in the video:
You can get your copy of Habits for Holiness by Fr Mark-Mary Ames, CFR at
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