Series on “The Father” by Fr. Mark-Mary Ames, CFR (Part 7)
What’s the role of rules and laws? Rules create boundaries and usually define the best way to do things. However, following rules can also not lead to freedom; this is why we need to learn to find the right balance.
In this episode, we will discuss the spirituality of laws and rules and how we can find balance to be safe, secure, and free in following them. We are also invited to look at some of these rules that we have established, these etiquettes or cultures that we’ve put on ourselves, our neighbors, or our pastors. Let’s do some discernment of whether or not these are from God or not. We also need to go deeper and see what’s at the heart of why we do that. Remember, you have the power to bring these reflections to the Lord for deeper understanding and guidance.
Here’s the link to the graph that we referenced in the video:
You can get your copy of Habits for Holiness by Fr Mark-Mary Ames, CFR at
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