Maybe you’ve heard about the nativity scene plenty, and seen it depicted endlessly. Do you really think you’ve entered as deeply into that mystery as you can? There’s more! The Holy Spirit is never exhausted. It’s the same with all of Scripture. This isn’t a collection of abstract ideas; these are stories of real people, and these stories can bring us into real relationship.
How can these stories become personal? A type of lectio divina emphasized by St Ignatius of Loyola: imaginative prayer. Meditating on Scripture this way, using human imagination and with God’s grace, can lead to encountering these stories on a different level. Put yourself in the nativity scene. Pray with Mary and Joseph and the wise men. Let God reveal more to you.
This is the final episode with Finding Your Place in the Advent Story from Ascension Press, available at
Starting in the new year, we’ll be going through Conversion by Fr Haggerty.
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