“I haven’t believed enough that he is enough.” That’s what Br. Angelo says as a guest on this episode, and how true is it for each of us? Even when we experience God’s goodness, repeatedly and in big and small ways, it can be a struggle to keep believing that God is enough. He is LORD. He is enough, and we only have to give him permission to work. It sounds simple, but it can be tough when we’ve faced rejection in other areas of our lives. How do we believe? How do we find the courage and take the risk — to learn he always shows up? Surrender to the Lordship of Jesus. It can be a struggle, but while we might have many struggles, this is the right one.
Coming up, we’re going to prepare for Advent with Finding Your Place in the Advent Story from Ascension Press, available at ascensionpress.com/collections/rejoice-finding-your-place-in-the-advent-story
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