“Jesus, Remember Me” is a Christian hymn written by Jacques Berthier (June 1923 – June 1994), a French composer of liturgical music, best known for writing much of the music used at Taizé. This particular performance features the talents of Hannah Martin.
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Holy, Holy, Holy
“Holy, Holy, Holy!” is a Christian hymn written by Reginald Heber (1783–1826), and performed in this video by Pat D’Angelo. Its lyrics speak specifically of the Holy Trinity, having been written for use on Trinity Sunday. It quotes the Sanctus of the Latin Mass, which translated into English begins “Holy, Holy, Holy! Lord God of Hosts”. The text also paraphrases Isaiah 6:3 and Revelation 4:1–11. John Bacchus Dykes composed the tune Nicaea for this hymn in 1861. The tune name is a tribute to the First Council of Nicaea which formalized the doctrine of the Trinity in 325.
God Rest Ye Merry Gentlemen
Recorded live at Sacred Heart Major Seminary in Detroit, Michigan, a group of incredibly talented seminarians performed their rendition of the traditional classical English Christmas carol, “God Rest Ye Merry Gentlemen”. Gather your friends & family, hot chocolate, and sing along!
Love’s Not
Love is a hard thing to pin down. Mars Ill’s brilliant hip-hop song “Love’s Not” describes everything which is definitely not love. Do you want love? Avoid all the things love’s not.