The word “saint” often brings to mind a quiet voice and piously folded hands, but cracking open a “Lives of the Saints” book can actually be similar to reading a yearbook of superheroes. Here are 10 things you might not know about saints.
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Lent is the time of year when Catholics reveal their deep love for the color purple…and self-inflicted punishments. Just kidding! There’s so much more to this pre-Easter tradition than meets the eye. Here’s 10 things you might not know about Lent.
10 Things You Might Not Know About Pilgrimages
A spiritual journey can sometimes mean something quite literal; pilgrimages have been a part of the Catholic tradition since the very beginning. Christians hit the road to do penance, seek a special blessing, and sometimes follow the footsteps of Christ. Here are 10 things you might not know about pilgrimages.
12 Things About The 12 Days of Christmas
The 12 Days of Christmas: a classic carol we all know, love, and have no idea what it is about. Which, oddly enough, is the whole point of the song. It was written during the Catholic persecution in England as a code for children to remember their catechisms without getting arrested. Here are 10 things, err, 12 things you might not know about the 12 Days of Christmas.