‘Tis the season for gingerbread lattes, candy canes, and watching “Die Hard.” It’s a Christmas movie. Today, we celebrate the fourth Sunday of Advent,
So, have you ever felt like you are going to die after you get a paper cut or stub your toe? Me too. But blessed Chiara Luce Badano, a contemporary teenage saint of the church, teaches us
Let’s talk about my dad. So when I was a kid, about a year ago… One of my most formative things was seeing my dad pray on his knees, praying to someone more important than him.
In the Marvel movie “Infinity War,” Dr. Strange is the hero. Dr. Strange is the one who looks at all of the possible future scenarios and finds the one where they get to save
Hugo Lloris is a fantastic goalie on the Tottenham Hotspurs soccer team in English soccer, or if you’re in England, football. Hugo Lloris said this about being a goalie. “It’s
Who would win in a fight, Captain America or Iron Man? I have my own opinion, but I’ll keep it to myself. Tony Stark and Captain America do get into a fight. Tony Stark feels betrayed
I just got back from our women’s weekend here at the Newman Center, where college-aged women go off for a weekend and dive into what it means to identify as a sister, a mother, a
If I were blindfolded and placed in front of a lineup of women, one of them being my mom, I absolutely would be able to choose my mom out of the lineup because I know her. I know how she speaks
I had the amazing honor of baptizing my friend’s newborn. Baptism is so awesome because no matter if you were baptized with just water gently poured on your head, or if you were
I am so excited. Our Newman Center just got a new statue of St. Joseph. It was handcrafted in Germany, it is absolutely beautiful, and my favorite thing about it is that the baby Jesus,