Reel Homilies

Holy Saturday 2024

This is a little dated, but the “Bourne” trilogy. Jason Bourne, an ex-assassin, runs away and hides from the government. He does everything in his power, training, and

Good Friday 2024

Okay, so this is a very solemn day, this is a very somber day. It’s Good Friday. If you have the opportunity to go to your Good Friday service at your parish, the first thing that

Holy Thursday 2024

Okay, friends, we did it. It is the Triduum, and it is the holiest time of the whole year. And tonight, on Holy Thursday night, Jesus and the Eucharist are taken out of all the tabernacles

Palm Sunday 2024

So this weekend is Palm Sunday, which means that we will hear from the entire Passion of Jesus Christ at mass. So, prepare your body to stand for a long time. What is so beautiful about

Truly, Interiorly, Fulfilled

So, when I was a senior in college, I got offered a job with the FBI. And I remember when that moment happened, I felt interiorly so empty, which is crazy because here’s what the

Shining Light in the Dark

So why does Batman only come out at night? Because that’s when the criminals come out. You merely adopted the dark. I was born in it. Criminals prefer working in the darkness rather

Let Jesus Clean House

This happens in professional sports all of the time. A team is on a losing streak. The owner is not happy. And so the owner brings in a new coach to clean house. In this Sunday’s gospel,

The Most Important Position

So it’s about time we talked about Quidditch, which is obviously a real sport. After consulting many experts, the reality is that the most important position is not the seeker,

Blessed Lent 2024

Okay, guys, this is it. It is happening. Lent 2024. It is finally here, and this will be the best lent ever for us. Jesus says in the gospel today, “Repent and believe in the gospel.”

Ash Wednesday

It is Ash Wednesday, so we may go up to receive ashes today, and we might not know what we’ll get. You might get the classics, the X marks the spot, the perfectionist, the Harry Potter,

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