So, when I was a kid, something traumatic happened to me. Plants invaded our house. Vines from the outside got so strong that they started to destroy our brick wall. You can see my dad
So, the coat of arms in my archdiocese is epic. It shows a phoenix, which is a symbol of resurrection. And on the chest of the phoenix is the IHS, which is the holy name of Jesus. And so, in
So, Captain America is obviously the best out of all the superheroes. When he receives the soldier serum, he becomes more of himself. He doesn’t become less of himself. He becomes
Okay, so maybe you are a glass-half-empty kind of person, or you are like me, and you are a glass overflowing. Everything is awesome all of the time, and nothing is ever wrong kind of person.
Exciting news! Fr. Tim Anastos wrote a book, and we want to give you a free copy! If you support Reel Homilies with a recurring donation of $10 per month or more, we will send you a copy of
So, the greatest victory I have ever witnessed in my entire life happened at 11:47PM on November 2nd, 2016. That’s right, the Chicago Cubs won the World Series. Greatest victory
This is a little dated, but the “Bourne” trilogy. Jason Bourne, an ex-assassin, runs away and hides from the government. He does everything in his power, training, and
Okay, so this is a very solemn day, this is a very somber day. It’s Good Friday. If you have the opportunity to go to your Good Friday service at your parish, the first thing that
Okay, friends, we did it. It is the Triduum, and it is the holiest time of the whole year. And tonight, on Holy Thursday night, Jesus and the Eucharist are taken out of all the tabernacles
So this weekend is Palm Sunday, which means that we will hear from the entire Passion of Jesus Christ at mass. So, prepare your body to stand for a long time. What is so beautiful about