Poco a Poco

Discipleship Is a Team Sport

Discipleship is a team sport. Family—both through our natural families, and our supernatural family through baptism—and communion with others is an essential ingredient to the

Jesus, Look At My Heart

It’s key to commit to prayer; to schedule it and keep honor it through intention and discipline. But, then, how do we maintain prayer as an intimate relationship and not let it

You’ll Be Glad You Prayed

Do you know anybody who wants to work out all of the time? Unlikely. But nobody who gets in that workout says afterwards, “That was a waste of time. Why’d I bother?”

We’re Not Kids Anymore

You crave conversion and real change; to receive the healing and hope that God wants to give you. How does that lasting, long-term change happen?

It happens when we accept some truth

You Are Not an Outsider

We’re all really interested in what God can do for us; the healing, the restoration, the gifts of the Father. Are we as interested in committing to the long-term relationship

The Rich Man Who Didn’t Turn

St. Francis is the rich young man who didn’t turn away sad. God invited St. Francis, and his response was even more than his heart burning for the Lord — he was consumed. There was

God Is Looking for You

We have a God who’s always on the move, always pursuing. In our busyness, we’re distracted — we miss things. We miss people. But God is constantly seeking, constantly

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