Poco a Poco

The Compassion of God

Compassion: it means “to suffer with.” Recall those times when you’ve been suffering, alone, and someone has come into that isolation with you. It’s powerful!

The Heart of God

This episode starts a new series: The Heart of God. The Sacred Heart. This is a series about the goodness of God; not only the reality that he is, but that he is good, with a human face and

A Prophetic People

We’re called to be prophets. Real, recognizable prophets in our day to day. How does that hit you? What does your life look like? Do people around you see it and think, “This

The Art of Sacrifice

To sacrifice is to make holy. Most of us are given enough suffering in this world that if we were to offer it fully and freely to the Lord, that would be enough. We need only to accept; well,

Learning to Love Like Jesus

The fullness of the mission of Christ includes a heart for the poor. This is pretty central, actually, but somehow doesn’t always get a lot of airtime. This isn’t just

Christian Contentment

In our world of wanting more and of endlessly upgrading, we have to get good at saying, “Okay, that’s enough.” There’s a game of constant consumption and if we’re

Your Stuff is Holding You Back

Ever try to connect with the person right in front of you, but he or she is staring at a phone, totally preoccupied? You want to jump in and say, “Look up! Look at me!” How often

“Stuck” in the Ordinary?

As Christians, what does our free time look like? Do we prioritize the same things as the world? Is there any difference in how we spend our time and money and attention? Those who know

Loving The Person Who Has All Your Pet Peeves

Love your enemies, and love that one person who embodies every single one of your pet peeves and always seems to find the fastest way to most intensely annoy you.

Each person’s

You Need Community

We have some pretty strong feelings on this topic, and it shows in this week’s episode.

Passing through purgatory is the experience that prepares us for heaven. There’s

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